past blogs

Sunday, September 28, 2008

living among non-social networkers

I find myself in a world where the people around me don't utilize the glorious tools of social networking like I do. It's a strange place and my immediate goal in life is to change my surroundings (by getting everyone on Twitter and Facebook).

What is wrong with people? :O)


Kfranklin said...

if anyone can do it, you can... :)

michele bennett said...

well, i don't know...but thanks for the word of encouragement!!! at least i have you guys to keep me sane!!! :O)

Anonymous said...

Why do you feel the need to make other people participate in this fashion?

I don't understand the need to share intimate details of my life with people I barely know. How would you feel if one of your colleagues became a victim of identity fraud or the object of a stalker?